Array is a collection of similar types of data types.
Array is used to stores multiple values in one place.
Array contains key => value pair, each value in array assigned on a key (index).
We can fetch stored value with the use of key (index).
Php array() function is used to create a Array.
We can store any number of datatype (string or integer or decimals) values in array.
By default array will store values on index start with value 0 then 1 and so on.
<?php // Intialize array $Array_Create = array(); // Store string values in array $Array_Create[0] = "php"; $Array_Create[1] = "example"; $Array_Create[2] = "string"; // Intialize and store value in array $Array_Create = array("learning","development","tutorials"); ?>
<?php // Intialize and store value in array $Print_Array = array("php","example","source code"); // Mainly use these two php functions to debug array when array contain large data // print_r() will show array values with structure print "<pre>"; print "print_r() function output: "; print_r($Print_Array); print "</pre>"; // var_dump() will show array values with structure and datatypes print "<pre>"; print "var_dump() function output: "; var_dump($Print_Array); print "</pre>"; ?> ------------ ****** ------------ OUTPUT: print_r() function output: Array ( [0] => php [1] => example [2] => source code ) var_dump() function output: array (size=3) 0 => string 'php' (length=3) 1 => string 'example' (length=7) 2 => string 'source code' (length=11)
1. Indexed Array ==> Arrays with a numneric values
2. Associative Array ==> Arrays with key and its value form
3. Multidimensional Array ==>Array containing one or more than one Array
Indexed array values will contain numeric key (index).
If we had not given array index value then index (key) will always starts at 0.
<?php // The index can be assigned automatically// $indexed_array = array("Indexed","array","example"); echo $indexed_array[0]; echo "<br>"; echo $indexed_array[1]; echo "<br>"; echo $indexed_array[2]; echo "<br>"; echo "<br><br>"; ?> ------------ ****** ------------ OUTPUT: Indexed array example
<?php // We can also give own index $user_array = array(); $user_array[10] = 12; $user_array[20] = 13; $user_array[40] = 15; print "<pre>"; print_r($user_array); print "</pre>"; ?> ------------ ****** ------------ OUTPUT: Array ( [10] => 12 [20] => 13 [40] => 15 )
Example: Fetch Array values using loop
<?php // Array index will assign automatically $indexed_array = array("array","fetch","data","loop"); // Get array length by php count() function $size = count($indexed_array); for($i = 0; $i < $size ; $i++) { print "<br>"; // each output show in new line print "Array values at index $i = ".$indexed_array[ $i ]; } ?> ------------ ****** ------------ OUTPUT: Array values at index 0 = array Array values at index 1 = fetch Array values at index 2 = data Array values at index 3 = loop
Example: Another way to Fetch Array values using loop (By foreach() php function)
<?php // Array index assigned automatically $loop_array = array("array","for","each","loop"); foreach($loop_array as $key => $value) { print "<br>"; // each output show in new line print "Array values at index $key = ".$value; } ?> ------------ ****** ------------ OUTPUT: Array values at index 0 = array Array values at index 1 = for Array values at index 2 = each Array values at index 3 = loop
As we know , in indexed array we have stored values on integer value as the key.
In Associative Array, we can store value on a user defined datatype (integer,string etc..) key.
array( “Key1” => “Value1” , “Key2” => “Value2” , , , , , , );
<?php // Intialize array $Array_Create = array(); // Store string values in array $Array_Create['language'] = "php"; $Array_Create['example'] = "associative"; $Array_Create['demo'] = "array"; print "<pre>"; print "print_r() function output: "; print_r($Array_Create); print "</pre>"; // Another Way to intialize and fill values to associative array // Intialize and store value in array $Array_Create = array("lession" => "array", "website" => "TemplateOnWeb", "Year" => 2016); print "<br><pre>"; print "print_r() function output: "; print_r($Array_Create); print "</pre>"; ?> ------------ ****** ------------ OUTPUT: print_r() function output: Array ( [language] => php [example] => associative [demo] => array ) print_r() function output: Array ( [lession] => array [website] => TemplateOnWeb [Year] => 2016 )
Example:Fetch Associative Array values Using loop ( By foreach() php function )
<?php // Intialize and store value in array $Array_Create = array("name" => "PhpOnWeb", "work" => "Web Development", "Team" => 15); foreach($Array_Create as $key => $value) { print "<br>"; // each output show in new line print $key." => ".$value; } ?> ------------ ****** ------------ OUTPUT: name => PhpOnWeb work => Web Development Team => 15
We can store one or more new array at any array key.
Example :
<?php // Intialize array $MultiDimensional_Array = array(); $MultiDimensional_Array[0] = array('php','multidimensional','array','example'); $MultiDimensional_Array[1] = array(11,12,13); $MultiDimensional_Array[2] = array(21,22,23); print "<br>"; // New Line // Print Multidimensional array structure print "<pre>"; print_r($MultiDimensional_Array); print "</pre>"; print "<br>"; // New Line print "Fetch value from array : "; print "<br>"; // New Line print "Name1 : ". $MultiDimensional_Array[0][0]; print "<br>"; // New Line print "Name2 : ". $MultiDimensional_Array[0][1]; print "<br>"; // New Line print "Name3 : ". $MultiDimensional_Array[0][2]; print "<br>"; // New Line print "Name4 : ". $MultiDimensional_Array[0][3]; ?> ------------ ****** ------------ OUTPUT: Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => php [1] => multidimensional [2] => array [3] => example ) [1] => Array ( [0] => 11 [1] => 12 [2] => 13 ) [2] => Array ( [0] => 21 [1] => 22 [2] => 23 ) )
Now we are going to store below table in Multidimensional array.
Name | Dept | Age |
John | Website | 45 |
Sheebu | Developement | 32 |
Mack | Internet | 56 |
Example :
<?php // Intialize and store value in array $MultiDimensional_Array = array( 'Name' => array('John','Sheebu','Mack'), 'Dept' => array('Website','Developement','Internet'), 'Age' => array(45, 32, 56), ); print "<br><pre>"; print_r($MultiDimensional_Array); print "</pre>"; ?> ------------ ****** ------------ OUTPUT: Array ( [Name] => Array ( [0] => John [1] => Sheebu [2] => Mack ) [Dept] => Array ( [0] => Website [1] => Developement [2] => Internet ) [Age] => Array ( [0] => 45 [1] => 32 [2] => 56 ) )
Sorting Arrays :
Array elements can be sorted in ascending or descending order.
In php, some functions are metioned for array shorting.
These functions are :
1. sort() – sort arrays elements in ascending order
2. rsort() – sort arrays elements in descending order
3. asort() – sort associative arrays values in ascending order
4. ksort() – sort associative arrays keys (index) in ascending order
5. arsort() – sort associative arrays values in descending order
6. krsort() – sort associative arrays keys in descending order
<?php $key = array("short","array","basics"); // php function for array sort($key) ; print "<br><pre>" print_r($key); print "</pre>" ?> ------------ ****** ------------ OUTPUT: Array ( [0] => array [1] => basics [2] => short )
<?php $key = array("rshort","array","function"); // php function for array rsort($key) ; print "<br><pre>" print_r($key); print "</pre>" ?> ------------ ****** ------------ OUTPUT: Array ( [0] => rshort [1] => function [2] => array )
Used to short associative array values in ascending order.
Example :
<?php $key = array( "1st" => "ashort", "2nd" => "array", "3rd" => "shorting"); // php function for array asort($key) ; print "<br><pre>"; print_r($key); print "</pre>"; ?> ------------ ****** ------------ OUTPUT: Array ( [2nd] => array [1st] => ashort [3rd] => shorting )
Used to short associative array keys (index) in ascending order.
Example :
<?php $key = array( "lion" => "zebra", "bird" => "insect", "monkey" => "banana" ); // php function for array ksort($key) ; print "<br><pre>" print_r($key); print "</pre>" ?> ------------ ****** ------------ OUTPUT: Array ( [bird] => insect [lion] => zebra [monkey] => banana )
Used to short associative array values in descending order.
<?php $key = array( "lion" => "zebra", "bird" => "insect", "monkey" => "banana", ); // php function for array arsort($key) ; print "<br><pre>" print_r($key); print "</pre>" ?> ------------ ****** ------------ OUTPUT: Array ( [lion] => zebra [bird] => insect [monkey] => banana )
Used to short associative array keys (index) in descending order.
<?php $key = array( "lion" => "zebra", "bird" => "insect", "monkey" => "banana", ); // php function for array krsort($key) ; print "<br><pre>" print_r($key); print "</pre>" ?> ------------ ****** ------------ OUTPUT: Array ( [monkey] => banana [lion] => zebra [bird] => insect )