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Scalar type declaration basics in Php

  • Click to view live demo By Admin
  • Click to view live demo Jan 05, 2019

In Php, Scalar Type Declarations two different types options :

1. Coercive mode :  coercive mode is a default mode and need not to be specified.



    function sum(int ...$ints)
       return array_sum($ints);
    print "<pre>";


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2. Strict mode : Strict mode need to be explicitly type hinted.

There are number of functions parameters can be forced to using modes.

1  int
2  float
3  Boolean
4  string
5  interface
6  array
7  callable

Example 1:


        declare(strict_types = 1);
        function add(int ...$ints)
           return array_sum($ints);
        print "<pre>";
        print_r(add('string',3,4,5,7,8,10));  // throw an error
        print "</pre>";


In above example  if we pass a string in add function then it will throw an error because of strict mode.

It will throws an error like this :

( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to add() must be of the type integer, string given, called in D:\PHP1\wamp\www\wordpress\Basics\ScalarTypeDeclaration\std.php on line 39 and defined in D:\PHP1\wamp\www\wordpress\Basics\ScalarTypeDeclaration\std.php on line 35.

Example 2: ( strict mode in class )


        declare(strict_types =1);
        class A
            public $a;
            public $b;
            public $c;
            public function add(int $a,int $b,int $c) : int
               return $c = $a+$b+$c;
        $obj = new A();
        echo $obj->add(1,20,30);


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In above example if we pass a string in add function then it will throws an error.


		declare(strict_types =1);
		class A{
			public $a;
			public $b;
			public $c;
			public function add(int $a,int $b,int $c) : int{
			    return $c = $a+$b+$c;
		$obj = new A();
		echo $obj->add(1,20,"scalar type declaration example" );

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 3 passed to A::add() must be of the type integer, string given, called in D:\PHP1\wamp\www\wordpress\Basics\ScalarTypeDeclaration\std.php on line 53 and defined in D:\PHP1\wamp\www\wordpress\Basics\ScalarTypeDeclaration\std.php on line 47

Example 3:


		class A{
			public $str ="Scalar Type Declaration";
			public function show_method() : string{
			    return $this->str;
		$obj = new A();
		echo $obj->show_method();

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         Scalar Type Declaration.