A responsive online shopping website HTML theme can be used to create both local and international e-commerce websites to showcase and sell your products.
The home page will feature a section for featured products, best-selling items, and their respective prices. List your shop product on product listing page, user can search and explore your products and goods to intent to purchase, after clicking products you can show product details with pricing.
A responsive login and registration page, along with a checkout and purchase flow for selected products, creates a seamless user experience for an online store.
It is created using Bootstrap components, J-Query, J-Query animation plugin, HTML 5, CSS3 and font awesome icons.
It uses proper HTML tags, meta tags, and attributes designed to enhance your site visibility and ranking on search engines. The template is fully customizable, easy to use, and can be downloaded for free.
You can explore more E-commerce website HTML code or choose from HTML website templates.