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Create blog posts in WordPress

  • Click to view live demo By Admin
  • Click to view live demo Sep 05, 2017

In wordpress how to blog your post. Here we gone through to how to setup a successful blog step by step.

1. First you need to check your blog visibility

(a)  Go through to your wordpress admin panel.

(b) Goto  Setting  === >>  Privacy.

2.  Blog Visibility Rules

If you want to visible your blog to all users via search engines like google, bing and others.

Goto Search Engine Visibility  :  [  ]Discourage  search engines from indexing this site.  (Tick it)

After selecting it your blog is enable to see wordldwide.

In next step goto (Social Media Blog Posting).

Someone wants to appear his/her blog to the social media networks such as twitter, facebook ,linkedln.

Join them and take advantage to your websites blogs.

For Example : By using twitter, share your articles on twitter with your friends.

In this scenario, make friends community and share valuable information  to your website.

you can also share your stories on different social media networks such as facebook, twitter.

only share important stories on blog.

On the basis of links  (“”) you  can share your blog to other bloggers that are same niche as you.

You can find them on google, bing and other online forums.

If you are a member of one. Try to be connected, and you can get a backlinks from other sites which is very important for the growth of our post.

Now for those users who dont want their posts to be seen by other

There are many ways of protecting your blog posts which we will share.

 Password Protected Posts  :

(a)  It is a very simple step.

(b)  Go through your admin panel select post.

(c)  Write something in your post.

(d) Before publishing your post it look to the right side of your page, where it says publish.

(e) There you get a option like visibility : public(Edit)

(f) Click on the edit button under visibility.

(g) You will be able to see option Password Protected Posts.

(h) Click on it make a password for this post.

(i) you have individual posts password protected.

(j) These individual posts only seen by those who have a password to post.

Share your blog with a certain people

(a)  A best way is to have “one password protection”.

(b)  Make it main site password protection.

(c)  Everything inside is open.

(d)  First you need to ” pass password protection field in main site “.

(e) When someone types your domain  (

(f) They will see a “login fields” along with “password protected”.

(g)  So you need to “entered password” before entering.