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Wordpress Basic

In this example we will learn how we can create a contact form in wordpress using a plugin. we are using WPFORM plugin to create wordpress form. Websites used contact form to get user queries and questions about your products and services....

If you want to add a navigation menu in your wordpress website then this article is good for you. In this wordpress example we are showing how you can create navigation menus from admin interface in wordpress. After create these menus you can use/show in any area of website....

In this example we will cover all aspects of how to modify the wordpress database prefix to better security. Default table prefix (wp_) make easy for hackers to plan a attack to wordpress website so we need to change it to your own prefix....

In this example we will learn how to create image gallery in wordpress using default wordpress gallery implementation and by using Envira Gallery Plugin....

In WordPress, you can easily create a your own custom post type manually. You can also create by plugin but the problem with using a plugin is that your custom post type will be disappear when plugin is deactivated....

Favicon or website icon is the small image that appear next to your website title in your browser. This increases your brand recognizance and helps you to made a trust among people....

In this example we will learn to add custom Numeric Pagination in wordPress theme. We will add pagination by code and also by using PageNavi plugin....

If you want to schedule your post according to your choice then WordPress allow you to do this. This is very important feature of WordPress, some beginners of WordPress don\'t know about it....

Generally you will see in websites has an outdated copyright date which is annoying, Here we will show how to add a dynamic copyright date in wordpress....

In WordPress, Widget is very useful part for our website and we can get it from wordpress admin bar. In this example we will learn how to programmatically create widget area in wordpress theme....

Wordpress developers need to create new design for menus for themes. This example explain how to create customized navigation menu for your Wordpress theme....

In this example, we will learn how to add facebook like button using wordpress plugin. You will need to Install and Activate WP Like Button plugin....