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Having a perfectly organized studio is vital for any artist. When you have lots of ideas and can’t find anything to capture them, it may become really difficult to concentrate. So my first and the most important advice I give my students is to keep their studio organized. That’s what I would like to discuss in this article.

One of the most important aspects of having a perfect studio is being able to find exactly what you need in a really fast amount of time. There have been times in my studio when I was in the groove, painting along and creating a painting I was really excited about. Suddenly, I need something. Maybe it's a tube of white paint, my tube wringer, a new palette knife or more wet wipes. Regardless, I stop what I am doing and start looking. And looking. And looking. Of course, I can't find it because it's not where it is supposed to be. Minutes later, regardless if I have found the item or not, I am out of my groove and not feeling creative.


It’s really important to keep your studio organized. The purpose of having a studio is to paint and be creative. It's not a storage room for absolutely everything that has to do with your art. It should be a clean and well lit space that has everything you need to create art at your fingertips. You need plenty of storage, both flat and vertical. You also need a place to write and a place for your computer. But do these need to be located in your studio? Absolutely not! If you have the space then go ahead and create storage and a work station. Just remember that once you get your studio organized you need to keep it that way.

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Samantha Morgan

Artist, Blogger

I am a professional blogger interested in everything taking place in cyberspace. I am running this website and try my best to make it a better place to visit. I post only the articles that are related to the topic and thoroughly analyze all visitors’ comments to cater to their needs better.



Randy Cooper

December 26, 2017 at 2:56 pm

Thanks for such an interesting article! I have always been wondering how some artist create their paintings so quickly. Now I see that proper studio organization is vital to this process.


Samantha Morgan

December 26, 2017 at 2:56 pm

Thanks for such an interesting article! I have always been wondering how some artist create their paintings so quickly. Now I see that proper studio organization is vital to this process.


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